056 | Listening to Your Inner Stirrings with Jaimes McNeal


Jaimes McNeal is the President and Owner of JDM Coaching 360, a personal, professional, and organizational development company. Jaimes also serves as a qualitative researcher at Brandtrust and an adjunct instructor at Chowan University. He completed his Master of Arts degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, where he is also currently a Ph.D. candidate for Business Psychology. As an executive coach and speaker, Jaimes’s strength lies in his ability to identify beliefs and behaviors that inhibit desired outcomes.

Jaimes joins us today to share his quest to understand himself, his parents, and his family. He discusses his recent commitment to listen to his inner “stirrings” and explains what career anchors are. He describes his childhood upbringing and explains how animated films have taken steps to portray parts of life that they don’t usually discuss. Jaimes also outlines what love bombing is and discusses an opportunity for him to reconnect with his family from which he was estranged.

 “I’ve learned to listen to those inner stirrings. And when I hear those stirrings—even when I don’t understand them—I just respond to them. More often than not, I am rewarded.”

- Jaimes McNeal

This week on the Trauma Hiders Club Podcast:

●        Listening to inner stirrings and preparing for an awakening

●        Expressions of insight, the journey of curiosity, and what career anchors are

●        How animated films have taken incredible strides

●        Jaimes’s life growing up and what it was like to be a child out of wedlock

●        Love bombing and Jaimes’s journey of reconnecting with his family

●        The other half of the orange and Jaimes’s idyllic family as a child

●        Jerrod Carmichael and coming to terms with identity, sexuality, and family

Related Content: 

●        Uncovering Founder’s Syndrome with Jaimes McNeal 

Connect with Jaimes McNeal:

●        JDM Coaching 360

●        Jaimes McNeal on LinkedIn

●        Email: jaime@jdmcoaching360.com

 Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of Trauma Hiders Club ‘The Podcast’ with Karen Goldfinger Baker. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave a review wherever you get your podcasts

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