059 | Choosing Feeling over Thinking


Imagine you’re in a conversation, and you’re asked how you feel about your success. Do you reply with “I think I can do more”? How about when you’re asked how you feel about your relationship with your father? Do you say, “I think he’s an honorable man”? Do you notice the pattern here? Each time you’re asked about how you feel, you respond by sharing what you think.

In this episode, I discuss why we are inclined to share what we think when we are asked about what we feel. I also describe the possibilities that could open for us if we let ourselves sit with our emotions and express ourselves starting with the words “I feel.”

“We say ‘think’ when we mean ‘feel’ because we don’t know how to feel our feelings. But imagine what we might discover if we expressed ourselves starting with ‘I feel.’”

- Karen Goldfinger Baker

This week on the Trauma Hiders Club Podcast:

●        Defaulting to the “I think” pattern

●        Opening ourselves to our emotions

●        Practicing with “I feel…” sentences


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