071 | Parental Protection


I’ve been wrestling with the concept of parental protection lately. You see, when I look back at how I was protected as a child, it appears to me like a confusing spirograph of control, fear, and demands. I wonder if “protection” is something that I imagined or actually experienced.

Now, as a parent, I reflect on my role as a protector and realize that I’m a mixture of my parents—and the inner warrior I had to be for myself.

In this episode, I discuss parental protection and how I experienced it as a child. I describe my longtime fantasy of protection. I also describe being encompassed in the protection of love and how I’m learning to accept it.

 “The loving protection of my children is rooted in truth and possibility. My boys were raised in the scary beauty that the world is a terrifying, magnificent place, and we live our lives.” - Karen Goldfinger Baker


This week on the Trauma Hiders Club Podcast:

●        Wrestling with parental protection

●        What my longtime fantasy of protection looks like

●        Being a protector as a parent and how I’m protecting my kids


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