037 | Emotions, Gut Feelings, and a Smilodon on the Horizon


I so often hear the terms “emotionally triggered” and “gut feeling” used interchangeably. But, while they’re both associated with powerful internal experiences, there is a stark difference between the two. How can you tell them apart?

Imagine you’re an early human. One day, while out hunting or gathering resources, you spot a saber-toothed tiger on the horizon, walking down your path. You feel fear. Are you experiencing an emotional trigger or a gut feeling? Why does the distinction matter?

In this episode of the Trauma Hiders Club, I draw wisdom from the superstar-wizard of understanding and integrating trauma, Dr. Gabor Maté, to parse out the distinction between gut feelings and being emotionally triggered.

 “How glorious that as humans we get to experience it all, including emotional triggers and gut feelings. After all, emotions make us human; without them, we are beasts.”

- Karen Goldfinger Baker

 This week on the Trauma Hiders Club Podcast:

●        Dr. Gabor Maté on emotional triggers and gut feelings

●        What it means to be emotionally triggered

●        The roots of emotional triggers

●        Gut feelings and their relationship with your environment

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